The Hurricanes in their halftime huddle last Saturday night against the Crusaders. Photo by Dave Lintott Photography
So you're already visualising the semi at Ellis Park are you? Dane Coles thundering down the touchline in the 79th minute with the winner.
Back it up. Nothing would be sadder than to lose to the Brumbies, but a few commentators are already treating the quarters as a foregone.
And truth be told, of course we're playing the ninth best team in an 18-team comp. So nothing screams average more than the Brumbies.
They won't feel that though, and may I remind you, they smacked in three tries in about the same number of minutes in Napier a few games ago. One of the weirder defensive switchoffs but a warning of what happens if the Canes don't rock upto to Friday's game with the right mindset.
I'm fully confident they will; I imagine sitting next to Coles on the flight back to Wellington after losing would be delightful.
And there are plenty of good signs, scrum apart, from that rousing win over the Saders. Some would have you believe either that the Canes achieved it with some freakish moments, or that the ref had it in for the visitors.
But I thought we just in the end got on top at the collisions, and kind of ran over the top of them. They did after all only score 10 further points after the opening blitz, while we scored 31.
I am becoming a fan of the other kid in the side. Sam Louisi is showing some power work and deft touches, and of course, we'd all like to see him build on that. You can never have too much depth in the middle row for my liking.
But one fruitless plea. On Saturday, the Canes had two gift penalty chances in front of the sticks, when they trailled 7-0. They spurned both, and ended up 12-0. Early in the second half, we instead had a crack from about 50 metres.
It just doesn't make sense. As I said to my fellow fans in the stand, about 40 times, "you know, we actually should be on x + 3 points at this point". Well, so we should have been.
Take the three.
Thirty Six Hours in Canberra.
Depending on your view, that could be the title of a horror flick, or a terrific new Aussie rom-com starring Hugh Jackman (doubling as a horror flick).
Or it's what the Hurricanes will end up spending if they win on Friday - the logic being that there's no point flying back to Wellington when your next destination will likely be Ellis Park (come on the Landers!). Not even if Jordie needs to get mum to do his washing.
So, what to do with those hours. You could visit my rellies, but they're remodelling the family house according to Facebook, so probably not a good option.
Then there's parliament (oh come on!).
So I'd recommend the stonkingly good Australia War Memorial (actually a museum as well).
It has a very big German railway gun, and my favourite exhibit - parts of an ancient floor mosaic dug up by some diggers in World War One in Palestine and carted back to Australia.
It is apparently the last time an Aussie playing away returned with anything substantial to show for it.
Lifelong All Blacks supporter Kev has followed the Hurricanes since they began. Last year his faith in them was rewarded when they won the title – can they do it again?